Thursday, January 8, 2009 is now our dictionary

As discussed in class today, buying "Webster's New World College Dictionary" (fourth edition) is no longer required because it is available free online at A word of caution, as mentioned in class, I found it wasn't as user-friendly as having the actual book, especially if one is unsure of the spelling or looking up whether a word is hyphenated. The site does provide some advice on spelling searches:

“If you do not know the exact spelling of your word, you can use the ‘wild cards’ in your search. Use ? to replace a single letter in your word or * to replace more than one letter when you search. For example: penguin, peng*n or pen?in.”

I'm going to list the Web address in a new favorite links box on the right along with the online version of The Associated Press Stylebook, which isn't free.

And, remember, if you're planning on a career in editing, I still recommend buying the dead-tree version.

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